Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never Be Anything But Loud.

Blah blah blah :)

I AM A HAPPY CAMPER. (a cookie to whoever can get the tiny pun in there). But yes, indeed. A happy camper is what i am this past while. Every time that I am of having a good 'oul creep on FB or where ever I happen to be at that time, I always come across people griping and moaning about college or equivalent. Come on people! LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP! It's almost x-mas, so feel the joy and shit (not literally like feel shit or anything :/) and be haaaaaaaaaaaappy :D

For those of you who are interested or not, because I can write what a like so NYEAAAH!, I have adjusted perfectly well to college life. After that horrible stint in She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's home, I'm as happy as Larry! Whoever he is, anyway. Campus is awesome. 'Nuff said hey! And all my mates are close too so yeah. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I've made a tonne of new bffl's and whatnot up here :) Such as the chums and the reptiles and the hewers lol. But that isn't to say I miss those dopes back home ;)

Yeah, the only reason for this post was to be happy :) After seeing all those people pissed and upset at college (or equivalent), it made me realize just how great my own life is. Wow. That sounded waaaaay worse than it did in my head :L

REMEMBER CHILDREN! be happy :) <3