Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never Be Anything But Loud.

Blah blah blah :)

I AM A HAPPY CAMPER. (a cookie to whoever can get the tiny pun in there). But yes, indeed. A happy camper is what i am this past while. Every time that I am of having a good 'oul creep on FB or where ever I happen to be at that time, I always come across people griping and moaning about college or equivalent. Come on people! LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP! It's almost x-mas, so feel the joy and shit (not literally like feel shit or anything :/) and be haaaaaaaaaaaappy :D

For those of you who are interested or not, because I can write what a like so NYEAAAH!, I have adjusted perfectly well to college life. After that horrible stint in She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's home, I'm as happy as Larry! Whoever he is, anyway. Campus is awesome. 'Nuff said hey! And all my mates are close too so yeah. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I've made a tonne of new bffl's and whatnot up here :) Such as the chums and the reptiles and the hewers lol. But that isn't to say I miss those dopes back home ;)

Yeah, the only reason for this post was to be happy :) After seeing all those people pissed and upset at college (or equivalent), it made me realize just how great my own life is. Wow. That sounded waaaaay worse than it did in my head :L

REMEMBER CHILDREN! be happy :) <3

Friday, October 8, 2010

Be The Last To Kiss My Lips.

Promise This - Cheryl Cole.

Yes, overdue >.<

Anyway, this'll be a short post anyway. I have my driver theory test tomorrow and I really should be studying for that. But whatevs. Plus, I got like a shit load of college stuff to look over and study. Ugh. But it needs to be done, friends.

Basically what I'm here to say is that college is amazing. Not just the fact I'm making (hopefully) life-long friends, studying interesting subjects and getting plastered almost every night, but the experience is amazing over all. Take this week for example. I really do not think that I have gone out and drank as much as I have in this past week. Like seriously. And I feel more open and free as a person :) How cheesy? But life there is just so ... free. Honestly. I really don't think I could have hacked living in Dundalk while at college :S

In other news, my dry period is officially broken.

PS: keep an eye on my facebook, twitter & polyvore accounts ;)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Never Gonna Quit You Over Time.

Addicted - Kelly Clarkson.

Ever had one of those moments where you just randomly screamed and shouted about needing to vent to your blog? I just had one of those times.

For the purpose of said rant, the subject will be referred to as "Raccoon". Yes, "Racoon". The quotes are totally necessary, by the way. Anyway. I hate "Raccoon". Plenty of time has passed by, plenty. I had presumed that it had all blown over by now. After all, I was always nothing but civil to "Raccoon's" little friend. Who is lovely and cannot be blamed for the "Raccoon's" incompetent nature.

My good old friend, Paranoia, returned earlier this week. Long over-due, I might add. Can't say that I missed her though. Always throwing my head into turmoil and what not. I suppose I'll get over it though. I'll have too, right? Seeing as I'm moving away and all. Oh yeah, I'm moving to Maynooth on the 13th :)

That is all. Rant over. Sort of. It is very hard to rant about the "Raccoon" when there is a chance anyone could see this. lol. But I like to vent things here :) Anyway, toodaloo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wanna Feel Your Powers.

E.T. - Katy Perry.

Yay! Harry Potter themed post XD

So yeah, I've been on a HP kick this past wee while. And I realized that I don't even own POA or GOF! Yeah, some fan right? Rather irritated at that face. I cannot remember for the life of me how POA was lost, but I do recall my sister scribbling over half of GOF and then I threw it out in a huff. Good Times. I had planned on buying both of them today in Easons, but then I saw that new series by Cassandra Clare so I just had to get it. Besides, GOF wasn't even in stock. Shame on you, Easons.

And due to a rather hilarious facebook post today, I decided to find out what Hogwarts house, wand type and Animagus I would be. I have spare time, so sue me. And this is how it all goes ...

  • HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff.
  • WAND TYPE: 12", holly, dragon heartstring.
  • ANIMAGUS FORM: eagle/fox.
I quite like it ^.^

Oh, and it's either an eagle or a fox. i got 100% for the eagle and 98% for the fox, but i'd rather be a fox :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Stop Giving Me Choices.

Choices - The Hoosiers.

Salutations, fair readers.

Today is a Tuesday. While this may seem a trivial fact, believe me when I say that it most certainly is not. For tomorrow is Judgement Day. For tomorrow is the day in which hundreds, or maybe thousands, of youthful students across this island will discover if they are destined for further education, to have another stab at it or just feel disappointed in general. Yes. For tomorrow is the day we receive our Leaving Cert. results ... and cue creepy background music.

Most people are shitting themselves, to be frank. But not me. Nope. On the contrary, I'm rather excited for these results actually. All I can say is I've done my time for that rather irritating exam and whatever happens, happens. Am I right? Can I get a WOOP WOOP? ... no? Fair enough.

Besides, regardless of points and college courses and CAO and whatever else, each and every one of us will be rightfully and royally twastered. Yes, twastered. I don't know if that is a common expression, but it is my common expression for drunken frivolity. Needless to say I'm kinda looking forward to that part of the evening.

Essentially this post was all about the Leaving Cert. results. How unexpected and amazing is that?! Not really, I know. But whatever, it isn't as if anyone cares what I write anyway, lol. Oh, and on a seperate side note, I saw 'Inception' last night.

And with that, I shall leave you with this closing thought. Isn't it about time you woke up?

EDIT: 425 points :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daisy Dukes, Bikinis On Top #1.

California Gurls - Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg.

Hello :) This is me in a significantly more enthusiastic mood.

So this is the first in a series of posts where I'm going to be a show off. Yes, I do have some talents. This is where I'll be throwing up some of my latest fashion creations. Yup, you read that right kids. FASHION DESIGNS. There's this website that I'm a part of [see here for more] and when you post as a character, most people have outfits to accompany said character. Well, I've recently dabbled slightly in this world of clothing design and I must say it is fun.

And without further ado, here are my current sets. Oh, and credit to polyvore for all the crap.

^ So this ensemble here is for a male, obv. Just thought I'd say I really like this one :]

^ More feminine here. Rather pricey too, actually. But still glamorous.

^ My favourite :) This was a party design for a character of mine. The total ensemble costs €3,737.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm Always In This Twilight.

Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine.

Haven't done this in a while. Miss me?

Anyway, not much to report on the interesting front. But this is more of a statement of feeling kind of post. I guess. To be quite frank, life is f**king weird right now. I have this feeling, and have had for like a week or so, that something is ... whats the best way to describe it? Off. Must be my paranoia kicking in again, (I've been wondering when it'd rear it's ugly head again). Whether it's the people around me or just me, something is definitely up. I hate these feelings.

After reading that last paragraph again, I realize just how bloody creepy it sounds. But it's all true. Anyway I hope it fucks off and leaves soon. But I suppose you really just have to teel everything else to go away and live, right?

As I mentioned earlier there really is nothing interesting happening. Apart from the weird crap. For those of you reading this that know me well, this part should make some sense. While something may always linger, it's fading fast. Enough said. As for work, it's going well. The second week of the summer camp is coming up, so more money. Yay. But early mornings again. Boo.

I'm going to sign off now. I hope that my next post won't be so creepy and odd. Oh, and I've decided to do a segment that contains my dreams. I really do enjoy the crazy dreams, even though the appear less frequently, and I hate to forget them. So prepare for some crazy shit. Anyways, good luck to ya.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Gravity - Pixie Lott.

So yeah, I know it's been a while. But I have one follower, so it's not like anybody noticed. Right?

Anyway, I'll make this short. As I said before this is a place where I can rant and vent, which is precisely what I intend to do. But not in too much detail; being too obvious and all that. All I'm going to say is that people don't have a right to let you grow up and move on out, just to bring you back in with a casual and more than likely meaningless gesture. Hence the title, 'Gravity'. It aggravates me and they really should know better. Dicks.

Rant over. And I do apologize, but it is rather f*cking annoying. And I also apologize to my follower. Yes, I do emote from time to time, but in fairness I did need it.

I guess that's all for now. So, to summarize; people can be dicks, gravity is a bitch and I have feelings.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Soy Un Perdedor.

Loser - Beck.

Well, this is certainly a surprise. I most definitely didn't intend to have a blog at this stage in time. What with the Leaving cert. and all that other shit. But enough on such events; this is a space for me to express myself as well as escape from pressure and pain.

For the most part, I guess that I would kind of like to write something worth meaning here. I enjoy the thrill of writing, it's what drives me to be the author I want be. Perhaps I'll share excerpts of some possible plot lines or stories that I could one day eventually complete. You'd be surprised of the unique thoughts that float aimlessly around in my brain.

Maybe emotions? God [or whatever?] knows I have enough of them. Although I've been told I can be too depressive when I splurge on my feelings. Well, nuts to them. I can emote. I can emote with the best of them. But in code of course. Yet another way to increase my creativity.

Whatever I choose to write here, it will be whatever I feel is necessary. Rants? Reviews? No matter. It'll come to me eventually.

As for something to mention about my first entry ... hmm, I'm kind of at a loss for words. The title of the blog 'Revolution in the Head' is inspired from the title of the song and I just personally like the phrase. It makes you think. Anyway that's it for now. Who knows when the next entry'll be. Tomorrow? Next week? Never? Watch this space.