Monday, September 6, 2010

Never Gonna Quit You Over Time.

Addicted - Kelly Clarkson.

Ever had one of those moments where you just randomly screamed and shouted about needing to vent to your blog? I just had one of those times.

For the purpose of said rant, the subject will be referred to as "Raccoon". Yes, "Racoon". The quotes are totally necessary, by the way. Anyway. I hate "Raccoon". Plenty of time has passed by, plenty. I had presumed that it had all blown over by now. After all, I was always nothing but civil to "Raccoon's" little friend. Who is lovely and cannot be blamed for the "Raccoon's" incompetent nature.

My good old friend, Paranoia, returned earlier this week. Long over-due, I might add. Can't say that I missed her though. Always throwing my head into turmoil and what not. I suppose I'll get over it though. I'll have too, right? Seeing as I'm moving away and all. Oh yeah, I'm moving to Maynooth on the 13th :)

That is all. Rant over. Sort of. It is very hard to rant about the "Raccoon" when there is a chance anyone could see this. lol. But I like to vent things here :) Anyway, toodaloo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wanna Feel Your Powers.

E.T. - Katy Perry.

Yay! Harry Potter themed post XD

So yeah, I've been on a HP kick this past wee while. And I realized that I don't even own POA or GOF! Yeah, some fan right? Rather irritated at that face. I cannot remember for the life of me how POA was lost, but I do recall my sister scribbling over half of GOF and then I threw it out in a huff. Good Times. I had planned on buying both of them today in Easons, but then I saw that new series by Cassandra Clare so I just had to get it. Besides, GOF wasn't even in stock. Shame on you, Easons.

And due to a rather hilarious facebook post today, I decided to find out what Hogwarts house, wand type and Animagus I would be. I have spare time, so sue me. And this is how it all goes ...

  • HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff.
  • WAND TYPE: 12", holly, dragon heartstring.
  • ANIMAGUS FORM: eagle/fox.
I quite like it ^.^

Oh, and it's either an eagle or a fox. i got 100% for the eagle and 98% for the fox, but i'd rather be a fox :)